Jax Goes West
Call me an elderly millennial all you want but I’m going to say it: I’m doing A Thing. A crazy, throw caution to the wind THING. I took advantage of the Amtrak’s USA Rail Pass sale, and for just $299, I get 10 trips throughout the USA that I have to use within 30 days!

Everyone I’ve told thinks it’s amazing. Along with frequently hearing “I’m so jealous!” and “I’m living vicariously through you,” my favorite comments have come from my nearest and dearest:
“You spontaneous bitch!”
“This is very on-brand for you.”
And I’m fucking glad.
I want to build a life I love and I want others to see that. Who says adventures have to stop after 30 or that you have to wait around for someone to join you? This is my How-Stella-Got-Her-Groove-Back-Eat-Pray-Love moment, dammit! I want to show you can carve your own path and thrive, society’s expectations be damned. After all, I don’t wear my “Live to Inspire” and “Embrace the Journey” bracelets just for my health.

I intend to live in the moment (as much as I can while adhering to timetables and catching trains, buses, etc.), explore, experience, and create. I thought about trying to work on my current WIP–and I might every once in a while–but I really want to let myself be open to inspiration while I’m on the road…or tracks as it were.
A Snapshot of My Great USA Rail Adventure
A couple weeks from now, I’m taking on a one-way flight out to Denver. From there I’ll be using my USA rail pass and jumping on and off 8 different trains and exploring 8 different cities for a total of 23 days! I’ll be staying in hotels and hostels (which I’ve never done before), trying so many new foods, and doing lots of sightseeing. I even have a friend flying out to meet me for one leg!
I’m still finalizing everything–I didn’t even have my schedule finalized until last night. Come back next Thursday to see all the places I’m headed, some of the cool stuff I plan to do, and get an update on my prep! Make sure and subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss it.
Despite my excitement, I’m a textbook Libra–meaning I’m indecisive to the max because I’m always second-guessing things. It hasn’t helped that generally once the envy and excitement subsides, whoever I’m talking to voices all my fears.
Am I scared of COVID and its new variants, wildfires, this insane heatwave, the possibility of getting murdered, or sold into slavery? ABSOLUTELY.
Have I thought about saying “fuck it”, canceling everything I booked, and staying at home with TinyDog where it’s safe? HELL YES.
But my gut is telling me I’m supposed to do this and I’ll get so much more from the experience than I ever could have imagined. I’m leaping out of my comfort zone and embracing the energy of the Page of Wands and Death cards.